About this website

This website and its contributions are about YOU and for YOU! Let it be a place where you find rest, inspiration, personal growth, new horizons, and fun. May it help you remember who you are and why you exist. You may even find yourself growing closer to God.


The music and contents herein exist to take you on a journey to your innermost self. There you will find God, your ultimate fulfillment, and henceforth live more fully alive. It’s a journey that never grows old, where new and fascinating discoveries are made, where opportunities for heroic deeds abound, and where you come to know Love itself.

Make FASCINATING discoveries

Do HEROIC deeds

Know LOVE itself

About the music

A song can take you somewhere. In a world filled with music that can take you down dead-end roads or worse (to places you should never go), I strive to have each of my compositions take you on a grand and glorious journey to the good, the true, and the beautiful. 

My songs are born of daily life, of working through the joys and sufferings of this present age, staying close to what is real.

It would be convenient to say that all of my music fits into the box (genre) of music called Contemporary Christian, or soft rock, or light rock, or acoustic/inspirational, or classical, or even into the smaller boxes that exist among the present list of genres. While you could call it any of the above, I prefer to call it folk music. It’s meant for folks, real people living real lives seeking to be truly human. It’s universal, meant for everyone. Its prayers and theology are expressions from a man who lives the Catholic (universal) faith. It is music to engage the mind and the heart (one’s essence).

About its origins

The seed of this work was planted at the 8th World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado, in 1993. The theme for that historic gathering recalled Christ’s proclamation: “I came that they might have life, and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10). As I myself heard the words of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, proclaim it again, I heard it spoken with a great big exclamation point! Those days were so alive!!! It was clear that “only the Creator of the human heart can adequately satisfy its deepest yearnings.” By the conclusion of WYD ‘93, I was on a mission to help myself and others live more fully alive!

St. Pope John Paul II helped me recognize my own poverty. By worldly standards, I was anything but poor; but in the sight of Heaven, I was quite poor and getting poorer by the minute. So I set a new course, and as I moved in that new direction, I began writing a new kind of music. Journalists have called it New Music for the New Evangelization. It was born at the dawn of the New Millennium.

Michael Capone is a singer, songwriter, speaker, and performer. He shares his music and insights to subscribers to this website and through his many live performances. No matter where you are on your life timeline, he has a show for you.

“His music touches the deepest fibers of the heart”

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